Lifeform will also be at the fair in Milano. If you would like us to go through the new collection from our above mentioned suppliers, please Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. for an appointment via email. Lifeform will be in Milano Wednesday & Thursday 9th & 10th of April.Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.?subject=Book%20an%20anpointment%20via%20mail">
Next time: Our Dutch supplier FueraDentro has added new products to the CIMA collection, where teak and soft cushions are the new thing.
Næste gang: Vores Hollandske leverandør FueraDentro har friske nyheder med serien CIMA. Teak og bløde hynder er på programmet.